Today: July 27, 2024
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11 months ago

IED—like object detected, destroyed in Pattan

Pattan: A bomb disposal squad (BDS) defused a suspicious object likely an improvised explosive Device (IED) after it was detected by forces in Pattan area of Baramulla district in North Kashmir, officials said here on Monday.


Officials told KNO, that a joint team of Jammu & Kashmir Police along with Army’s 29 Rashtriya Rifles, Police and SSB detected a suspicious object likely IED on Srinagar—Baramulla national highway at Hanjivera in Pattan.


Shortly after the detection of the object, traffic was halted and the movement of people was restricted, they said. They added that a BDD was rushed to the spot which destroyed it without causing any harm.


Meanwhile, a case under the relevant sections of law in this regard has been registered in local police Station and investigation has been set into motion, officials further added—(KNO)

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