Today: February 17, 2025
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1 year ago

Entrepreneurial studies should be made compulsory in school curriculum: NCDC

Srinagar: The National Child Development Council (NCDC), a national child welfare organization, has passed a resolution demanding that the study of entrepreneurship be made compulsory in the country’s school education syllabus.


NCDC Master Trainer Baba Alexander said that the education system of our country is a British style of learning and in this era of advanced technologies and systems, the same should be changed.


Bindu Jacob, Faculty of NCDC, said that education should be able to raise the student community, that earns money along with studies pursued by foreign countries and make them aware of remittances.


Similarly, NCDC faculty Shakila Wahab pointed out that there are schools in Kerala where trade is a part of studies, while Evaluators Bindu Saraswati Bhai and Sudha Menon said that training to earn money for one’s own needs and self-entrepreneurship should be imparted right from the school age, which would help create more job opportunities in the society.


Notably, National Child Development Council (NCDC) is an autonomous national child welfare organization, established to promote the welfare of women and children, besides ensuring education of children in India.

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