Division of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Faculty of Forestry, Benhama Watlar Ganderal,SKUAST-Kashmir concluded one week long two Entrepreneurship developmentprogrammes on Development of Hi-tech Nursery of conifers and broadleaved treespecies for livelihood development in Kashmir Himalaya and Unlocking the potentialand prospectus of Wild Edible Fruits (WEFs) through Ex-situ conservation, multiplicationand value addition.
These weeks long two training programme were conducted both atGDC Kangan and hands on training/practical and field visits were conducted at theFaculty of Forestry, Benhama.
The event witnessed number of lectures on both thetraining programmes and practical sessions for development of hi-tech nurseries/ valueaddition of edible fruits etc.
The concluding event was started with the welcomeaddress by Dr. N. A. Pala, Scientist and Training coordinator followed by the detailedpresentation and hands on training through practical and field exposure visits by Dr. G.M. Bhat, Prof. & Head/training Coordinator. Dr. S. A. Gangoo Professor & Dean, Faculty ofForestry spoke in detail about these two programmes necessity of conducting theseprogrammes for the entrepreneurship development among the youth specially collegestudents. Dr. Vaishnu Dutt, Dr. T. A. Rather and Dr. Megna Rashid, Scientists of SAF division deliberated upon the various topics and practical with the participants duringthe event.
Both the coordinators, Dr. G. M. Bhat and Dr. N. A. Pala acknowledged theefforts and support of Honable Vice Chancellor Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganiae and DirectorPlanning and Monitoring Prof. H. R. Naik, Dean Faculty of Forestry, Prof. S. A. Gangoo.
Coordinators were also very much thankful to the to the sponsoring agency Ministry ofMicro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Govt. of India, New Delhi.